Hello, fellow photogs! 👋 I’m Dena, the face behind Streamlined Photographer. As a passionate photographer with 14 years of experience, I’m thrilled to welcome you to this space where we dive into the business side of photography.
Learning how to streamline life.
I am probably one of the most awkward people you’ll meet, seems like a good way to start my first blog post. Not awkward at all. Anyway, I have been wanting to share my tips and tricks for a while I’ve just been a little busy raising 4 kids and when covid happened we decided to homeschool for two years. That was quite the journey, I had to learn to become extremely efficient while being a homeschool teacher to 4 and running a full-time photography business.
I am really excited to start filling up this blog with info for new photographers and for those who have been at the game for a while but are looking for some efficiency tricks to streamline the business. Specifically editing hacks, as I know that eats up a huge amount of our time if we let it.
Affiliate Marketing Scam or no?
So what got me started on this…… Well, Instagram trapped me into a cycle of affiliate marketing videos. Make money in your sleep, and be a millionaire by next year…. aka scam other moms so you can have a huge house and money. Seriously, I wouldn’t mind paying off some student loans, but I don’t need to be rich if it is at the expense of others. I found out quickly when I signed up for a 15-day challenge for affiliate marketing for $7 that they would be trying to upsell a $2,500 course. I knew there was gonna be a catch. I will be touching on this on a later post because I did find a better way.
Affiliate marketing doesn’t have to be as scammy as the people of Instagram make it seem. I have been able to align my teaching with some companies that offer affiliate marketing. In this manner, I feel like I am getting to help other photographers and I’m not just using them at their expense so I can get rich.
Wherever the Road Takes Me!
Anyway, all of that got me here! Bear with me while I struggle through some firsts. I am so used to being on the other side of the camera and I’m not a huge fan of attention so we will see how this goes. I don’t foresee myself doing all those selfie videos you see on Instagram (that’s why I migrated over to a blog) but I guess we will see where the road takes me!
Can’t wait to connect with you all! 📷✨