Passive Income in the Wealth Niche

I’m not even sure how I want to start this blog post as it’s kind of a mixed bag. I want to talk about the majority of content on Instagram that is pushing passive income in the wealth niche.

First, these moms and dads posting that they make 50,000 a month from passive income and stay home with their kids – are most likely not telling the entire truth.  (It takes a lot of work to get going).

Second, as I sit and wonder how I can make my businesses God-centered, I begin to think about this passive income social media content that some are pushing. It doesn’t sit right with me and I can’t not say something about it. The fact is a lot of the content creators talking about passive income are showing their deposits and their flashy homes and cars and vacations, etc.  Which I understand is their proof to you in trying to sell you whatever it is they are selling to make that money. It is disguised as them wanting you to have what they have.

Is it Wrong to Make Money?

There is nothing wrong with making money and enjoying life but when it starts to look like it’s the main focus of life – chasing money and things I start to think maybe God has been edged out and then it starts to feel like passive income is becoming something not of God. It also starts to feel insincere, I think it’s okay to assume they mostly just want you to be their next sale so they can continue with their lavish lifestyle. 

Some of the courses for affiliate marketing and passive income I took recommend reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. They also say we have this mindset that money is bad and I start to question… why people have that mindset – so I go to the Bible. Is it truly a bad quality or is it something necessary as a Christian?

1 Timothy 6:10

1 Timothy 6:10

“In the book of 1 Timothy, we’re reminded that “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils.” When you crave money—and all the things money can buy—above all else, you’re not putting your faith in God. These things don’t draw you closer to God, rather they pull you away from him.”


Now I don’t think doing work and being paid for it is evil. I do think there’s an issue…. if you can’t say to yourself if all the money went away will I be okay or can I still help people without always expecting to be paid… or are you able to use some of your income to help others in need, or are you selfish? 

The answer is yes I would be okay if I had no more money because I have God. 

Passive Income Godly or Not?

I have gone back and forth about passive income and affiliate marketing, some of it is pretty slimy. I have prayed about it and I am choosing the high road. I will only ever be affiliate marketing for programs that I use and have that I know will make your life better or easier…. Products and programs that I fully believe in and want to support. 

I have been a photographer for 14 years and I have always tried to help my clients and give them the best of my ability, this will extend, always to every single business I have.

Now the honesty behind my starting affiliate marketing was because I have student loans that are just hanging over my head, but in this, I also want to be able to donate more money to the church and good causes. I am not striving to live a high life. What it boils down to though, is that I want to help other photographers and creatives and I want to make money for my time doing it. And this, is because it takes time away from my kids, etc. 

I would love to make enough money from passive income to be able to start offering some free photo sessions to those who couldn’t otherwise afford it. I just have so many ideas I want to bring to life! If God doesn’t open the door through this route, I am convinced there will be another way! 

Affiliate Marketing and Passive Income Done the Right Way

Getting back to the content on social media revolving around quick passive income. I can assure you, that the only ones making quick money are those who already have a following or email list built up. The others are the ones who are selling you the Godless materialistic life and are not being honest about the hard work that goes into this business.

You can be successful with affiliate marketing, but do it the right way. Set yourself up for success and don’t fall into a materialistic view. When you do this, it’s going to take time and patience. Choose your affiliate companies and apply to them, set up a website, create 50+ blog posts, set up a social media account, be honest, be open, sell, or create products that genuinely help people. Do not just throw stuff together to make a quick buck.

It will not last and you will find yourself in a very miserable place, it is not sustainable… especially not without God having a hand in it. 

Money is the Root of All Evil

Remember Money is the root of all evil, keep scrolling by those content creators showing you all the earthy things and claiming you can make money in your sleep… realize how screwed up that sounds…. Keep in mind the kingdom of heaven… your ultimate destination. Your end goal should not be revolving around money for selfish reasons. Make money but help people. Be good. Treat your neighbor as you want to be treated.